Easy Sphinx Extensions with Nested Parsing

I’ve recently started the process of converting some software documentation that was originally written for LaTeX and converting it to a newer documentation system called Sphinx. I like the LaTeX implementation much, but the Sphinx documentation provides some important advantages. First, Sphinx is designed to provide html output that will be easier for users to find and reference (while also providing pdf files similar to LaTeX). Second, with the Breathe extension, Sphinx can pull documentation directly from source code. Third, the reStructuredText format that Sphinx uses is often easier to write than LaTeX format, particularly when dealing with code segments.

However, one thing that Sphinx’s reStructuredText format is missing is a way to easily define new “commands” to introduce customized elements in the text. LaTeX provides \newcommand and other ways to provide customized commands and elements.

reStructuredText does not provide anything equivalent, but fortunately Sphinx has a powerful extension mechanism that can associate Python code to custom reStructuredText elements.

This blog post is not about how to define a Sphinx extension; the documentation from the Sphinx project is a good place to start for that. Rather, this blog addresses a specific part of Sphinx extensions that I find particularly challenging. The extension routines must return a tree structure defining the elements of the document (which in turn are used to generate output in various forms like html, tex, and so on). For a newbie such as myself, it’s more than I really want to learn.

A much easier approach is to have the Python code build new reStructuredText. That is, just have the custom directive or role generate the reStructuredText that should be inserted much like a LaTeX \newcommand is defined by providing new LaTeX that will be inserted when the command is executed.

Unfortunately, Sphinx is missing “nested parsing” in its extension interface. This blog describes how to implement nested parsing in Sphinx.

Nested Parse in a Directive

Sphinx extensions allow you to implement directives (commands on their own line starting with .. directivename::) and roles (inline commands of the form :rolename:`arguments` ). (Other things, such as domains, can also be defined in a Sphinx extension, but only directives and roles are covered here.) Directives and roles are defined differently. This section will describe directives.

All Sphinx extensions are defined as Python modules/files. The basics of creating a directive extension are to create a subclass of docutils.parsers.rst.Directive with a run method and then define a setup function that registers that class as a directive. The details of creating the extension are beyond the scope of this blog, but the hello world tutorial in the Sphinx documentation is a good place to get started, and the docutils directive reference contains some information on implementing a Directive class.

The behavior of the directive is defined by the run method of the Directive subclass. The run method takes the inputs to the directive and returns a docutils document tree. This document tree is, in my opinion, the difficult part of creating a directive. There are many different node types to connect together in just the right way to work. Frankly, I just don’t want to learn it.

Like I said in the intro, I think it is much easier to construct a string in reStructuredText and then replace that as the code for the directive. Following some advice from a stackoverflow post, I created this helper class.

import docutils.nodes
import docutils.statemachine
import sphinx.util.nodes

class NestedParseNodes:
  def __init__(self):
    self.source = docutils.statemachine.ViewList()

  def add_line(self, sourceline, filename, linenumber):
    self.source.append(sourceline, filename, linenumber)

  def get_nodes(self, directive):
    node = docutils.nodes.section()
    node.document = directive.state.document

    return node.children

To use this class, a directive run method constructs this parser and calls add_line to add lines one at a time. When finished, the get_nodes method returns the resulting nodes.

Here is an example that uses this class to implement a “Fun Fact” box.

import docutils.nodes
import docutils.parsers.rst

class FunFact(docutils.parsers.rst.Directive):
    has_content = True
    def run(self):
        current_source = self.state.document.current_source
        current_line = self.lineno
        parse = NestedParseNodes()
        parse.add_line('.. admonition:: Fun Fact', current_source, current_line)
        parse.add_line('', current_source, current_line)
        for line in self.content:
            parse.add_line('   ' + line, current_source, current_line)
        return parse.get_nodes(self)

The only other thing needed for the extension is to register this class as directive in the setup method.

def setup(app):
    app.add_directive('funfact', FunFact)

Once you load this extension (by editing the extensions in the conf.py class), a directive named funfact is added. Here is an example of its use.

.. funfact::

   You don't have to waste money on expensive binoculars. If you want
   something to appear bigger, just get closer.

Based on the implementation above, this will have a nested parse that coverts this text to the following expression.

.. admonition:: Fun Fact

   You don't have to waste money on expensive binoculars. If you want
   something to appear bigger, just get closer.

And this in turn creates output like the following.

Fun Fact

You don’t have to waste money on expensive binoculars. If you want something to appear bigger, just get closer.

Nested Parse in a Role

Similar to directives, a role in an extension is created by defining a function that implements the role and then registering that function with the role name. Documentation of implementing role extensions seems to be missing from the Sphinx documentation, but a blog by Doug Hellmann does a good job describing the process.

Once again, the role’s function must return a docutils document tree, but it would be much easier to simply generate reStructuredText in a string. The code provided for the nested parse in a directive does not work from within a role, so a new helper is needed.

I couldn’t find any suggestions online for this (perhaps my Google-feng-shui was bad). In the end, I traced through the Sphinx Python code until I found the section of code that seemed to implement the inline parsing. I copied that code and made some modifications to create the following convenience function.

def role_nested_parse(rawtext, lineno, inliner):
  remaining = rawtext
  processed = []
  unprocessed = []
  messages = []
  while remaining:
    match = inliner.patterns.initial.search(remaining)
    if match:
      groups = match.groupdict()
      method = inliner.dispatch[groups['start'] or groups['backquote']
                                or groups['refend'] or groups['fnend']]
      before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages = method(inliner, match, lineno)
      messages += sysmessages
      if inlines:
        processed += inliner.implicit_inline(''.join(unprocessed), lineno)
        processed += inlines
        unprocessed = []
    remaining = ''.join(unprocessed) + remaining
    if remaining:
      processed += inliner.implicit_inline(remaining, lineno)
    return processed, messages

As you would expect, the function defined for the role can create a string that provides the reStructuredText to insert at the role. This string along with the line number and “inliner” object passed to the role’s function are given to the above role_nested_parse to generate the docutils document tree.

Below is a simple example implementing a role using this nested parse. It is creating a role named doi that takes as an argument a digital object identifier (DOI) and surrounds that in a link with a URL to the DOI Foundation’s name resolver that will take the user who clicks it to the publication page of that DOI.

def doi_role(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
    return sphinx_nested_parse.role_nested_parse(
        '`doi:%s <https://dx.doi.org/%s>`_' % (text, text), lineno, inliner)

def setup(app):
    app.add_role('doi', doi_role)

As an example, if the Sphinx document, using this extension, encounters :doi:`10.1007/978-3-319-20119-1_34` , it will internally create the replacement text `doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20119-1_34 <https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20119-1_34>`_. This in turn will create the following link in the code: doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20119-1_34

Putting it Together

To make them easier to use, I’ve put together these two features in a simple sphinx_nested_parse.py Python file. This file can be loaded as a Python module and used within a Sphinx extension such as this my_sphinx_extension.py extension.

Putting all of that together, here is a simple example Sphinx project using an extension with this nested parsing.

Final Words

I mentioned earlier that I am by no means an expert in Sphinx extensions. I have been using Sphinx for less than a year at this time and have only made a few custom commands.

That said, I feel that nested parsing is a glaring feature gap in the Sphinx extension API. I have no idea if this is the best way to implement it, and I don’t know how robust this implementation will be to future changes to the Sphinx API.

Hopefully, these changes will continue to work or will be replaced with something better. If you know of a better method, please let me know.

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